The Method

The Process


Our curative proposition is based on language as the operative. The development of humanity and societies can be changed and saved through one word delivered by one person at a prevalent moment, somewhere, anywhere, on the spot. Today, in a global society riddled with crisis, the Authoring Action First Ink Discussion and Creative Writing Process is meant to develop a curative force that flexes language through personal power to impact issues.

The Authoring Action First Ink Discussion and Creative Writing Process is based on developing inherent capacity that mentors capability. The pedagogy remains with a participant once introduced, for life. Thus, the impact of such a process develops over time, adapts, and impacts exponentially. 

The Authoring Action Companion Guide includes instructions for the Authoring Action First Ink Discussion and Signature Creative Writing Course which serves as an academic supplement and fortifies the classroom as a community.

First Ink Discussion 

The course can be customized to any classroom, workplace, forum or event. 

The First Ink Discussion is the first step in the Authoring Action Signature Creative Writing Process. Based on a purely Socratic query, synonymous themes are posed for the group to discuss. For example, what is courage? Or, what is the difference between courage and bravery? Perhaps a topic is more directly related to your academic setting: your class is studying A Tale of Two Cities, so what is the most prevalent theme in the novel? Or, how does Dickens portray social justice? 

By the discussion’s end, the participants journey to their “school of thought” selves: development of their own rhetoric in response to others’ points of view and ultimately to craft an argument, or perspective of their own. First Ink Discussion accelerates equity in the workshop and classroom culture.

Authoring Action allows for students to have a space to process their experiences in a healthy and productive way.
— Karen Morris, RJ Reynolds
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How is the Method Unique?

Signature Creative Writing Process

Based on ideas and points of view generated during the First Ink Discussion, participants engage in Authoring Action’s Signature Creative Writing Process that breaks through any fear of the blank page or writer’s block. 

The Creative Writing Process creates a platform that generates original literary works where every single word conjured, written and spoken must be chosen by the participant. 

There is no other creative writing process in existence like this: the remedial and advanced students can be taught at the same time, in the same classroom and both will progress their writing skills overall. We can think of the advanced student, often sheltered against the rigors of life but possessing an excess of academic ability and resources, is placed in the same classroom of students that have less measurable academic ability, but much capacity, extensive life experience and story.


The First Ink Discussion process was created to level the playing field in terms of attitude and behavior, to create a community environment so that no groups of students are separated from the greater whole in terms of participation and progress. 

The biggest challenge of behavior in class comes from separation within the classroom, socially, intellectually and academically. The foremost purpose in the Authoring Action Process is to bring together students of disparate backgrounds and abilities. 

In the end rather than having individual writing samples respective to each student, the class itself has a collection, a literary anthology that not only illustrates improved writing skills but a communal experience.

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“As a classroom teacher, my experience working with Authoring Action was rewarding and humbling. What is most impressive to me about Authoring Action is their trauma-informed approach to education. Most schools and curricula do not account for adverse student experiences when developing lessons, protocols, and/or procedures. Fortunately, Authoring Action allows for students to have a space to process their experiences in a healthy and productive way.”

— Karen Morris, RJ Reynolds




Exploring Diverse Student Voices: A multiple case study of Authoring Action

— Dr. Aileen Carson (Muhammad), January 2019

The problem addressed in this study is that minority students often have negative self-concepts and reject expressing themselves. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore factors, including experiences with school, family and peers and participation in an intensive writing program that enabled minority students to manifest their authentic voices through written expression... . When asked about the strategies in Authoring Actions which supported their expression, the students responded that they felt valued and were able to voice their opinions without condemnation. Administrators and mentors responded that understanding students and placing value on diverse students was mandatory for student success. Future studies may develop more questions related to rape, domestic violence and incest for emerging writers. The results of this study presented implications which may prove valuable to educators who seek methods of teaching which will inspire authentic written expression.



Academic Articles

Youth Empowerment through Art: Results from a Participatory Evaluation with Authoring Action

— Parissa J. Ballard



Family & Community Medicine and CTSI Program in Community Engagement, Wake Forest School of Medicine

— Stephanie S. Daniel



Family & Community Medicine and CTSI Program in Community Engagement, Wake Forest School of Medicine

— Lynn Rhoades, Executive Director, Authoring Action and Nathan Ross Freeman, Artistic Director, Authoring Action